Out and about with residents from Stirling's Old Town photographing what is great and what could be better all around the neighborhood. The Mercat Cross and Town Centre Community Council are working to influence investment in their part of city. As part of this they created a exhibition to stimulate debate and share their ideas and visions. We worked with them on a series of workshops and a touring exhibition which was shared with residents, business owners, planners and Councillors at venues across the city. We also had fun on the open days with dressing up and photos
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What a fantastic Month, what a fantastic Year! Picture the Possible is all grown up and is now a fully fledged social enterprise and incorporated as a private limited company! We are now officially known as Picture the Possible Limited! A great step forward in the development of our business and for the work that we do. Also in October, Founding Director and CEO Janie Meikle Bland became a Fellow of the School for Social Entrepreneurs. Following an amazing year on the Bank of Scotland sponsored programme Janie, along with 17 other inspirational social entrepreneurs, graduated at a wonderful ceremony at the bank's headquarters at The Mound in Edinburgh. The evening was led by Tracey Muirhead, CEO of the School for Social Entrepreneurs in Scotland and attended by sponsors, mentors and those who have recently won their place on the 2015 programme. The Mound was buzzing - a fitting highlight and end to an amazing programme. Certificate presented by Donald Gateley, Head of Private Banking - Scotland
Here are a few of the comments received by Tracey after the event. ''Just in the cab home after an absolutely fantastic night. Truly inspirational, energising and.......humbling. Delighted to have been involved and to hear such brilliant stories.''Donald Gateley '' Wow Tracey….. am on the train home from the SSE graduation and buzzing! What a brilliant evening - inspiring, emotional and funny (in pretty even proportion, inspiring probably edges it!). Tracey, you must be enormously proud and how lovely to have your input recognised so beautifully and eloquently by all your new fellows.'' Rach, Bank of Scotland '' Hi, Tracy, I thoroughly enjoyed last night. What you have achieved is remarkable and a testament to your skills and enthusiasm. The quality of last nights entrepreneurs was inspiring as was their confidence and infectious enthusiasm. It was a pleasure to meet you at last and I look forward to our meeting in the near future. Kindest regards '' Bruce Collier Chairman, On Yer Bike Ayrshire! If you have a great business idea with a social mission, learn more about the School for Social Entrepreneurs Scotland and how you might be part of it here https://www.the-sse.org/schools/scotland/ Picture the Possible Ltd, Registered in Scotland, Company Number 518226 |
AuthorJanie Meikle Bland
September 2016